

It is no longer ethically, morally or financially viable to not consider sustainability when working in the built environment. The main problem has been the creation of homes that use low embodied carbon materials and are highly energy-efficient were only financially viable at the upper end of the housing market. 
Novel Properties can deliver dwelling units with high sustainability credentials at all levels of the housing market. This is because the reuse and renovation of existing buildings is an inherently sustainable process. Refurbishment of existing buildings, instead of demolition and the new build is considered a more sustainable form of development by the Building Research Establishment.
20% of the total carbon footprint of new dwellings is the embodied carbon in the materials used in its construction. 80% of the total carbon footprint is caused by the operation of the building. To achieve the desired 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 both of these sources of carbon must be reduced.
 At Novel Properties we have three primary sustainability goals:
1. Reduce the carbon footprint of construction materials and waste disposal by retaining or reusing as much of the existing structure as possible.
2. Create new spaces which have a greatly improved “energy in use” performance by improved insulation, used of energy-efficient heating and energy-efficient lighting.
3. Reduction of water use by installing water-efficient fixtures and fittings.